2/26 (2010)

Jerzy Kostorz - Wychowanie do postawy ekumenizmu w nauczaniu religii – doświadczenia katolickie

Education to ecumenical attitude in teaching catechesis – catholic experiences

Education is a process that is directly connected with forming different attitudes in children and teenagers. It involves various aspects of human’s development and different areas of human activity. It is oriented to comprehensive development of students. One of them is realized during catechesis which is educating children and teenagers to ecumenical attitude. The article first explains the basic concept of “ecumenical attitude”. Next, it describes the assumptions of education in the ecumenical spirit according to the documents of the catholic church. The article also underlines the suggestions, resulting from these assumptions, for the theory and practice in teaching religion. Finally, it accounts for the need to deeper theoretical reflection and renewal of ecumenically oriented religion teaching.

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