Stanisław Dziekoński - Znaczenie katechezy w edukacji ekologicznej
The Importance of Catechesis in Environmental Education
Nowadays ecological problems are frequently addressed and in various contexts, also with reference to education in a broader sense. The Church participates in the education, especially through catechesis. This reflection presents the strongest arguments for the participation of the atechesis in the ecological education. More attention is given to some chosen missions undertaken by the catechesis which are important for the ecological education. The presentation of the principles of Christian ecological education discussed within the catechesis is also of great importance. In the light of the reflection undertaken it can be clearly seen that the catechesis constitutes a unique space for the ecological education. One of the reasons is the fact that it provides the education with axiological foundations. The concern for the environment is justified by scientific reasons, but it also has a religious dimension. This religious perspective, which is important for catechesis, displays the underlying sense of the concern for the environment as well as the right hierarchy of values. The problems of ecology are inherently related to the most important religious truths spread within the catechesis in various groups, especially in families, parishes, and schools. In the view of the changes connected with a rapid development of electronic media it seems reasonable to state that the catechesis related to ecological problems should embrace the opportunities presented by the media.