Znaleziono 20 wyników wyszukiwania dla: religious education
- Katarzyna Wrońska - Erasmus of Rotterdam as a Teacher of Christian Humanism
- Lidia Marszałek - Religious Education of a Child in a Family as Building up Basic Hope
- Sylwia Zydek - The Role and Importance of the Eucharistic Crusade and the Sodality of Our Lady in the Process of Religious Education according to St Ursula Ledóchowska (1865-1939)
- Mariusz Chrostowski - ‘Plurality-Empathetic’ Christians: Rethinking Religious Education in Poland
- Mariusz Chrostowski - The Potential of Religious Education in Preventing Suicide among Children and Adolescents in Poland: Theoretical Analysis and Implications for Pre-suicidal Prevention
- Mariusz Chrostowski, Ulrich Kropač - Between ‘Religious Denomination’ and ‘Social Diversity’: On the Future of Religious Education in Poland
- Anna Zellma, Paweł Michał Mąkosa - Roman Catholic Religious Education in the Internet Media Coverage in Poland
- Alicja Żywczok - Pogoda ducha – przejaw przezwyciężenia zniechęcenia, rozpaczy i nihilizmu. Spuścizna księdza Franciszka Blachnickiego
- Mariusz Chrostowski - Prawicowy populizm jako wyzwanie dla edukacji religijnej w Polsce
- Joan Lancaster, Kurt Challinor, Richard Rymarz - Twelve Months On: Experiences of Early Career Teachers in Australian Catholic Schools